Tuesday, February 9, 2021

How To Utilize Yoga For Sciatica Relief

Sciatica is a very common problem among people who experience a lot of pressure or restrictive movement in their legs. It can cause weakening torment in your lower back, hip, and upper leg regions. Any leg development winds up causing shooting torment along the rear of the leg. While medication and physiotherapy give temporary relief, they are not enough. Yoga for sciatica can help relieve the torment and keep it from returning. Gradually, the yoga exercises for sciatica can even solve the root cause and cure you completely.

What Causes Sciatica

There is a multitude of causes for sciatica. However, every one of them have to do with unjustifiable tension on the sciatic nerve. It runs from the lower spine across the pelvis down the rear of the leg to the knee. Sciatica results from the pinching of this nerve by the surrounding tissues or organs. Some common causes are lumbar spinal stenosis, slipped or herniated discs, broken disc, spondylolisthesis, tightened piriformis, pressure due to being overweight, pregnancy, wearing high heels, carrying heavy loads, constant driving, muscle spasm, etc. When the cause of sciatica is due to spinal issues, yoga poses for sciatica can aggravate it. Therefore, it is advisable to always get a medical opinion before you try yoga for sciatica pain

Yoga Poses For Sciatica

Yoga for sciatica pain relief involves a large number of asanas. All of these concentrate on the lower back, buttocks, and upper legs. Most of the poses here are twists and yoga stretches for sciatica relief. They help open up the compacted compartments, ease the tension on the nerve, and lighten the torment from sciatica. 

Balasana - (Child's Pose)

It’s a pose of resting. Therefore, it is the best starter for yoga for lower back pain and sciatica. First, sit down in vajrasana pose, ie, by folding your legs back and placing your bottom on your legs. After that, ensure that the top of your legs are flat on the floor and the legs are touching each other. Presently, bring down your chest area onto your thighs until your temple contacts the floor. Keep your hands resting above your head or at your sides. Hold for a while and release.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) 

Setu Bandhasana focuses entirely on your lower back and buttocks. After that, fold your legs up and place them hip-width apart. Now, put pressure on your hands and legs to lift your upper body up from the chest to the bottom. Your jaw will contact your chest and your lower leg ought to be opposite to the ground. Hold for some time and release.

Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose)

This simple pose is a part of restorative yoga. You will need a wall for this. Stand close to the wall facing it. After that, touch the wall with your toes, and first, sit down without moving the legs. Now, lie down and raise your legs up the wall. Move your chest area so the whole of your legs contact the divider. Hold this situation however long you need and deliver once finished.  

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

The downward-facing dog pose is one of the most versatile asanas, including yoga for the sciatic nerve. From that point forward, get down on all fours first. Keep your hands shoulder-width separated while your legs ought to be hip-width separated. Presently, lift your knees off the floor and raise your hips up to frame a modified V-shape. Your head will interfere with your arms. Stay in this situation for quite a while and afterward, let go.  

Pawanmuktasana (Wind-relieving Pose)

There are three variations of this pose, two with each leg and one with both legs. We will discuss the last one here, as the first two simply requires the other leg to stay straight on the ground. Lay down flat on the ground first. Now raise both legs, bending them simultaneously to bring your knees to your chest. Your heels should touch your bottom. Fold your arms around your legs and prop your head up to touch your knees with your chest. Hold and release after a while.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist)

This spinal twist opens up any constriction around the sciatic nerve. For this, sit with your legs stretched out in front of you first. Next, fold the right leg to touch your left hip with the right heel, keeping the leg flat on the ground. After that, raise and fold your left leg, anchoring the left foot on the outer side of the right hip. Wind to one side and anchor your correct elbow on the left knee. You can keep this hand straight down or folded and raised. Finally, place the left hand behind you to hold yourself in this position. Repeat with the other side.


Yoga asanas for sciatica are highly beneficial if you want to get rid of this pestering pain. However, some causes of sciatica can be worsened by trying out the more intensive poses. Therefore, you should seek expert advice before doing anything. Sometimes, there is no other option except medical intervention. However, in most cases, yoga can be the answer to all your problems of sciatica and the associated pain. Once you master the above poses, you can move onto more complex twists, stretches, and poses. Regular practice will keep your pain at bay.

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